day 347 A Christmas tradition we started last year that the children love (thanks to my friend Melissa for the wonderful idea.)
day 346 All dressed up for church.
day 345 Today for the Christmas countdown activity: play with red and green play doh.
day 344 Another craft day. We made these cute snowmen and they were a lot of fun!
day 343 Writing her letter to Santa.
day 342 Decorating his box car.
day 341 At the ward Christmas party.
day 340 I didn't get a single photo of Emily on stage at her ballet recital dangit! I did get video though. I have this shot of Addie enjoying the performance...once it had started she sat like this the entire time.
day 339 What do you do when you're snowed in?
day 338 We needed much more than a shovel to get all that snow moved! Thank goodness for good friends.
day 337 Trying to dig our way out of the driveway. It was no use.
day 336 Baking Christmas cookies.
day 335 Putting together some little gifts for the kids friends.
day 334 Our Christmas countdown.
day 333 Today we put up the Christmas tree for Family Home Evening.
day 331 It was a day to play outside in the snow and then come inside for hot chocolate.
day 330 Had a super fun craft day searching for textures and making collages out of our rubbings. Found the idea here.
day 329 Getting dinner ready.
day 328 I'm so glad she sat there long enough with that book for me to sneak up on her and catch this shot! I love it!
day 327 Took pictures of Randal's Grandma today who just celebrated her 85th birthday.
day 326 Spent the day unpacking from our trip, hiding Christmas gifts and catching up on laundry.
day 325 Carson got to stay at his favorite cousin Kade's house while we were away and we swung by the church in Cardston on the way home to pick him up.
day 324 Randal and I were able to sneak away for a weekend to Kalispel to try and get all of our Christmas shopping done and we ALMOST got it all finished! YAY! It was such a fun weekend together and we're now planning to make it a yearly tradition.
day 323 I've totally copied my friend Elizabeth's idea and started a while back doing craft day every friday afternoon with the kids. We LOVE it and the kids look forward to it all week long.
day 322 This girl loves her babies and her "ammy" (lamby)
day 321 Addie has the best big sister!
day 320 Addie's first official haircut.
day 319 Skating for Family Home Evening.
day 317 Putting up the Christmas lights.
day 316 31 weeks.
day 315 The view from the couch. Been spending a lot of time here these days trying to put those feet up.
day 314 Great Grandpa Waugh (my Mom's Dad). Remembrance Day.
day 313 He really is a great big brother (most of the time). He spent a good 1/2 hour on the couch today reading Addie books.
day 312 Fun in the tub.
day 310 My beautiful girl.
day 309 The bug birthday party.
day 308 Getting out the door today was not going to happen unless the princess dress stayed on and both babies were with us. :)
day 307 Happy Birthday Carson! I can't believe my big boy is 5!
day 306 Painting.
day 305 Look what I made! Not the best model but you get the idea. My favorite part of the hole apron: the ruffles!
day 304 Stirfry for dinner.
day 303 All dressed up for Halloween. Its become tradition to take a picture on these steps every year, the elderly lady who lives at this home always comes out when we stop by to give the kids a treat.
day 301 Craft day.
day 300 Our halloween afterschool snack for today. These were not such a big hit.
day 299 The pumpkins.
day 298 Our traditional creepy halloween dinner.
day 297 I just love my new picture frames....and the pictures in them!
day 296 Chocolate chip cookies are yummy (and oh so messy!)
day 295 Putting a few finishing touches on Carson's halloween costume.
day 294 Our halloween afterschool snack for today. They were a hit.