Playing in the backyard with bubbles and swimming in the pool.
day 148
Just dinner on a typical night. Addie is getting so good with that fork!
day 147
These were always a favorite of mine growing up.
Applesauce Muffins
1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 3/4 cups applesauce 1 3/4 cups flour 1 tbsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter, melted 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Cream butter & sugar. Beat in eggs until fluffy. Sift in dry ingredients. Bake at 350 until golden. While muffins are warm dip tops in melted butter and then in cinnamon sugar mixture.
day 146
Carson's feild trip to the fire station.
day 145
Planting the garden for Family Home Evening.
day 143
Where on earth has my baby gone!
day 142
She loves picking "flowers" and I am horrible at coming up with the captions for all of these photos aren't I!? Uhhh!
day 141
We've been working on a little bit of landscaping around the house and are getting ready to pour a driveway...someday. Hence the pile of rebar I about drive over everytime I pull out of the garage. Don't laugh at our landscaping attempts...we're trying!
day 140
Little miss watching Emily & Carson ride their bikes outside.
day 139
This little monkey has figured out how to climb out of her crib and this is where I found her during naptime one day.
day 138
We sure love 'fee-zies' as Addie likes to call them. But I'm the meanest mom ever - all fee-zies have to be eaten outside!
day 136
I told you we go to the park a lot!
day 135
There may have been skittles involved in getting this shot. ;)
day 134
In our ward we've organized a Family Home Evening lesson swap and it has been the best thing!! Just a quick photo of the lesson I was preparing for this months swap (we get together every 3 months)
day 133
Ok. This might be a little strange but everytime I go to subway I always get the same thing. A turkey breast on wheat with lettuce, tomatoe, mayo, salt/pepper & creamy italian sauce. Mmmmmm. My favorite.
day 132 Grabbing a quick bite to eat before soccer.
day 131 There is absolutely nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby/toddler!
day 130 My only Mother's Day wish was to have a photo with me and all three (little did I know it was four!) kiddos.
day 129 The picture Emily painted for me for Mother's Day (that she could not even wait one more day to give me.) :)
day 128 The office after.
day 127 The office before.
day 125 Beautiful girl.
day 124 Sleepy girl.
day 123 veggies with dinner.
day 122 We go to the park a lot!
day 121 This little munchkin has figured out how to open doors. Sigh.
day 120 Our attempt at a picture with Grandma Cooper the day they got home from their mission.
day 119 The kids favorite part of any baking project: licking the beaters.
day 118 Uh. Those teeth!
day 117 The kids sporting the new swim shirts we brought back from Peurta Vallarta. Don't even ask about the teeth.
day 116 Heading home. And we didn't even get swine flu!
day 114 The adventure tour we went on - it was a blast. Zip lining through the trees and repelling down waterfalls.
day 113 We took a trip out to Los Arcos to do some snorkeling.
day 112 A day around the resort which involed some swimming, one long afternoon nap in the sun, lost of chips & salsa and the yummiest pineapple smoothie you've ever tasted!
day 111 Almost got a smile. Sortof??
day 110 We took a day trip by bus to Rincon de Guayabitos.
day 109 Our attempt at a lovely picture by this fun blue door was interupted by these two. :)
day 108 We did PLENTY of relaxing by the beach.
day 107 My first time in the ocean if you can believe it!
day 106 Arriving in Mexico. A beautiful view of our resort.
day 105 Packing up and getting ready to send the kids off to a friends house while we head to Mexico.
day 104 Some play time at the park while Emily's at school.
day 101 Just a lazy morning playing with trains in the living room.